Dr Jason Loken & Tea Shabazi


Finding Still Point - And Our Journey Home

This interview is one of 20 fascinating presentations in The Great Global Healing Party!

Speaker: Dr Jason Loken and Tea Shabazi

Topic: Finding Still Point - And Our Journey Home

Dr. Jason Loken ND, DO(Q), PhD (cand) & Téa Shahbazi (pronounced ‘Tay-ah’, ‘Sheh-bazi’) 

Dr. Jason Loken and his wife, Téa Shahbazi, have been on a mission to more deeply understand the nature of the greater reality, the inner workings of health and vitality, and how to live a life with more purpose and joy.

In order to support this mission Dr. Jason created the Inspire Health Podcast in 2019, where he and Téa get to interview inspirational leaders, visionaries and game changers in the fields of health and wellness, mind/body medicine, spirituality and more.

This vision has grown over the years and is now encompassed under one home called InspireLife.earth. This is where everyone can access the podcast episodes, wellness consultations, online courses as well as their newly unveiled Still Point Quantum Wellness Center.

Still Point is a one-of-a kind union of traditional wisdom, that’s grounded in Nature’s principles, with revolutionary innovations in quantum wellness. It fosters the perfect environment for retreats and wellness immersions for you to truly heal and deeply connect with your own personal instructions.

Jason & Téa bring together their decades of training and experience in Naturopathic Medicine, Osteopathy, Integrative medicine, Meditation, yoga, movement and Metaphysics to support and inspire others in finding their OWN path to greater health, true potential and joy. 


A guided meditation to access your heart's wisdom

Coming: InspireLife.earth.
Still Point Quantum Wellness Center