The Great Global Healing Party

Lifetime Access Offer

Special Pricing $55

Pre-event Price January 23rd $77
Mid-event Price January 25th $99
Post Event January 27th $222

Updated: January 23
Dear people, there is a paradigm in the sales world that is based on using time
pressure to motivate people to take action.

This has not been sitting well with me.
I feel it is counterintuitive to invite people to rise up to unite as one heart to heal
our collective human consciousness field at one end and then stimulate the survival flight
or fright issues in the lower chakras using time pressure as a motivator.
It may be human nature, but is it our true human nature?

So I apologize to those of you who purchased under time pressure.

And I say if we want to create a new world of integrity, then let’s rise up.

Is the value of these interviews worth more, you bet!


And so we shall not use this paradigm in all future events!

With your purchase, you will receive download links to all the mp3 videos
of each speaker* to download and keep in your own library.
You can watch and listen to the wisdom, sacred traditions and practices,
science, mind expanding talks, and resources whenever you need consciousness
shifting guidance and inspiration.
You will be emailed the information you need to gain access
** toward the end of the event. **

* with the exception of Neale Donald Walsch’s Interview which is only available during the live event. He has graciously agreed to air it for the whole 5 days!

Get Extended Access $55

It will be yours to download as you need. So many wonderful speakers! And so much inspiring information.

You will get an email with a link to your Lifetime Access to the interviews toward the end of the event. Enjoy.

“Can you imagine that we can make a difference in the world by healing our collective co-creation. That it could be so easy.”