Nicolas Pauccar



Andean Cosmovision Awakening of Consciousness


Who are the Q’ero?

What the Andean Cosmovision teaches?

What are the Andean Codes?

What does Nicolás Pauccar teach humanity?

What is the initiation of consciousness?


Kawsay Pacha


A trip to Peru to train with Nicolas and Dr. Wendy in November 2024.

Intimate with growth, learning, and healing by both Nicolas and Dr Wendy.
Channelings and a new energy activation at Manchu Picchu.
Come home lighter, experience a shift for your greater good.

Space limited.

For more information:
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This is one of 20 fascinating presentations in The Great Global Healing Party!

Speaker: Nicolas Pauccar
Topic: The Andean Cosmovision Awakening of Consciousness

Nicolas Pauccar Calcina, Andean Q'ero priest, renowned shaman, magician, lecturer, international, healer and Andean oracle. He was born on December 6, 1981 in Q'ero, in the peasant community of Marcachea in the District and Province of Paucartambo, Cusco, Peru. Since he was little, his father told him that he was born to be another link in the chain of tradition of the guardians called Missayuqkuna, so being the successor of a long line of Andean priests called Paqokuna, he was the one chosen to receive the teachings of his ancestors, guardians of the knowledge of the Andes.

He made time and again trips to the mountains following the Missayuqkuna traditions carrying offerings and understanding that, you do not have to find anything anywhere or search Holy places, rather each one has to be sacred in thought and in expression of his words. In his quest to master the Spanish language and generate bridges of exchange between his Western culture and thought, he decided to write to transmit the stories of him, experiences and knowledge so that through words we can break the limits of the space and achieve a greater evolution of consciousness in humanity through its teaching.

The most transcendental part of his mission is the Awakening of Consciousness and for this he is traveling around the countries organizing workshops, retreats, initiations and healings in order to achieve his goal. As well as expanding his wisdom through the School founded by himself, which transmits his Wisdom to more than 500 people around the world. During his childhood he was practicing everything related to the field until he was 12 years old, then He had the desire to discover the city since he was in love with how its streets, They talked and to his knowledge, the city was like a utopia, a religious thought, something magical.

In 1992 he dedicated himself to learning his first words in Spanish and since then he began to understand the language little by little, during this time he lived in several cities including Lima and it was there where he studied tourism, computing, sewing and cooking but none of these careers met his expectations so he decided to return to his roots, to his culture and study everything related to applied shamanism, during this process he began to understand the world and finally in 2011 he filmed the movie “Human” where he is the protagonist in the role of Plácido, then in 2014 he wrote the book “As a Q’ero Speaks” since then he traveled around many countries such as Germany, Belgium, Spain, Republic, Czech, USA, India, all of South America and Central America him gaining a lot of experience on each trip, also having encounters with tribes such as the Mamos of Colombia who recognized him in the council as a bearer of the rod, later with the Mayans in Mexico also recognized as rod bearer and grandfather of fire. In addition to writing the book “As a Q’ero Speaks” in 2014, in 2017 he wrote “The Last mountain"

He participated in books such as Indian Collage and The light of the Andes by J. Williams. As also in Peliculas Amarukan by Ñawpany Puma. In addition, he attended conferences with several Universities such as the Institute to Graduatein Switzerland to defend the thesis “Man is the Cause of All Climate Change” and to San Antonio Abad University in Cusco to discuss the theory of anthropocentric which is that the Human Being is the cause of everything that happens in nature. He is the creator of two magnificent projects, the first called “Mama Simona” which is a project focused on recovering the Andean priests, all the ancient culture and its intellectual heritage, the second called “Project Tomorrow” is the most relevant in its path because it is aimed at resolving or intercepting the apocalypse by putting a new stability.

He has been interviewed on a significant number of internet, television and radio programs, Among the most relevant is that of Uruguay in one by one with Raquel Daruech, in Miamiwith Alex Valdés and in red hot. He has had meetings with Evo Morales, Ollanta Humala, and with leaders from both America as well as from Europe and the Native Peoples of various places on the Planet.

Nicolas Pauccar Calcina, is the founder of the KawsayPacha School, which carries out trips, retreats, meetings, and teaches online via the internet where they teach the Andean cosmogony and the path of Qhapaq Ñan, of the spiritual evolution of the Human; on trips visit places archaeological sites, ancestral temples and sacred places, where he explains the “Use and Function” to through different ancestral rituals and reach the understanding of the existence of the human beings on earth.

Nicolas is sure that health is a question of balance between the earth and man and Through the different rituals that he teaches, the stability necessary for the healing of the person, thus achieving a life full of plenitude and pleasure.

His main motivation comes from the fact that he observes society as if it were achild who is going into the abyss and unable by herself to think if she can stop the chaos, So her interest comes from wanting to make people more responsible for themselves, that societies accept that they are responsible for the use excessive that they make of all the resources and thus be able to ensure that the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of this humanity can enjoy Planet Earth.

Through tours or talks, their objective is to make people aware of their actions or make them understand and help them awaken their consciousness, in itself it is simply a passion for making people understand themselves.